PHP Classes

i want to learn more about that technic: wanna know to use the classes of that kind of incryption

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i want to learn more about that technic


Picture of kakomba josue by kakomba josue - 7 years ago (2017-07-26)

wanna know to use the classes of that kind of incryption

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i m desining a software that allow employees to send each others businesses requisition so i want to use that technologie of securing data on network using an end to end encryption

the first time i heard about that encyption it was the day a was reading the privacy and policies of whatsapp

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1 Recommendation

RSA: Encrypt and decrypt data with RSA public keys

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This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of zinsou A.A.E.Moïse by zinsou A.A.E.Moïse Reputation 5850 - 7 years ago (2017-07-26) Comment

There are severals manners to achieve this goal.But if you learn more about user authentification and rsa ,you can implement a basic system where user password can be alternatively public or private key to access some specific content.For example, an user A send a message to an user B.A simple way to encrypt this message end to end is to encrypt this message with the user A password as private key and User B password as the public key before insert it in the database,then you just need to check if it's really user B who tried to read the message,if true you allow by decrypting with public key or if it is user A ,else you don't decrypt it. This way you can't yourself read this message because you are not supposed to know user password.Try the package above to know how to implement a rsa feature in pure PHP then you can try to do an app just like what i say but i don't say it is the optimal or best way.This is just to give you an implementation example as you want to knoW how to do it...

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