PHP Classes

I need a PHP class for mind map generation: Read a hierarchical data structure and generate a graphical map

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I need a PHP class for mind map generation


Picture of Serge Grenier by Serge Grenier - 1 year ago (2022-12-17)

Read a hierarchical data structure and generate a graphical map

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I have a big multi-level hierarchical structure and I would like to draw a mind map of all the children nodes by providing the ID of the parent node.

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1 Recommendation

PHP MySQL Hierarchical Tree: Retrieve and display hierarchy trees from MySQL

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos Reputation 23650 - 1 year ago (2022-12-19) Comment

Hello Serge,

Several friendly packages can do what you want.

For instance, this package is modern and can retrieve the structure of tree nodes from a MySQL database and use the Google Maps API to render the node tree as an image you can view.

Can you reply here and let us know if this is something like what you are looking for or if you have more questions?

Recommend package