A Unified Reader of playlist formats. Supports all popular playlist file formats and all their features.
- Advanced usage
Support for all popular formats and their variants: aimppl (and aimppl4), asx, xspf, zpl, m3u (and m3u8), pls, upf.
Unified interface to all data
Easy work with track data: just treat the class as an array of Track objects (support for iteration over class)
Support for all additional track data (length, bitrate, file size, genre, release year and so on)
Support reading and writing of all formats (writing support is in progress)
White and black lists of formats
Install package via composer:
composer require wapmorgan/unified-playlist
Firsly, check that file looks like a playlist. Then, try to open it with open()
static method. In case of success it will return an instance of UnifiedPlaylist
with all needed information.
use wapmorgan\UnifiedPlaylist\UnifiedPlaylist;
if (UnifiedPlaylist::isPlaylist($tmpfile)) {
$playlist = UnifiedPlaylist::open($tmpfile);
/// ... operations here
Available operations:
Reading a Playlist. If you work with an instance of UnifiedPlaylist like with an array, it will contain all information about tracks as `Track` objects. (For detailed information about all `Track` fields and methods see section below)
if (UnifiedPlaylist::isPlaylist($tmpfile)) {
$playlist = UnifiedPlaylist::open($tmpfile);
foreach ($playlist as $track) {
echo $track->artist . ' - ' . $track->song.PHP_EOL.' ('.$track->formatDuration().')';
// Information about all playlist like title, duration of size
echo 'Title: '.$playlist->getTitle().PHP_EOL;
echo 'Total playlist duration: '.$playlist->formatTotalDuration().PHP_EOL;
echo 'Total playlist size: '.$playlist->getTotalSize().PHP_EOL;
Creating a playlist
$playlist = new UnifiedPlaylist();
$playlist[] = (new Track('filename.mp3'))->set('duration', 10)->set('artist', 'Abba')->set('song', 'Happy new year');
Modifying a playlist
$playlist = UnifiedPlaylist::open($tmpfile);
foreach ($playlist as $i => $track) {
$track->genre = 'Pop';
$playlist[$i] = $track;
Method | Description
@isPlaylist($filename): boolean
| Checks that file format is one of supporting
@isAllowed($filename): boolean
| Checks white and black lists for restrictions about specified format
@open($filename): UnifiedPlaylist
| Opens a playlist and returns a UnifiedPlaylist
getTitle(): string
| Returns title of playlist, if present
getTotalTracks(): integer
| Returns number of tracks in playlist
getTotalDuration(): integer
| Returns total duration of tracks in playlist
getTotalSize(): integer
| Returns total size of playlist, if present
formatTotalDuration($format = 'auto'): string
| Returns formatted duration of playlist. Format can be: m:s
, h:m:s
or h:m
. If auto
, the best format will be used.
save($filename[, $format]): boolean
| Saves the playlist
All available properties (real information can be nulled due to format limitations or generator configuration):
Property | Description
string $url
| File path if file or an url if stream
string $artist
| Artist of track
string $song
| Track name
string $album
| Album of track
string $genre
| Genre of track
int $year
| Year of track
int $bitrate
| Track bitrate (in kb/s)
int $samplerate
| Track samplerate (in Hz)
int $duration
| Track duration (in seconds)
Method | Description
formatDuration($format = 'auto')
| Formats tracks duration as m:s
, h:m:s
or h:m
. If auto
, the best format will be used.
| Checks if track is a network stream
Advanced usage
White and black lists
You can limit the list of formats that will be supported by your service. To allow the use of certain formats, use the whitelist:
UnifiedPlaylist::$whiteList = array(UnifiedPlaylist::M3U, UnifiedPlaylist::PLS);
To prohibit the use of certain formats, use the blacklist. All other formats will be allowed to use:
UnifiedPlaylist::$blackList = array(UnifiedPlaylist::ASX);
Now, it's important to properly handle the situation when a user tries to open a playlist of a prohibited format. In this case, the isAllowed()
method returns false
use wapmorgan\UnifiedPlaylist\FormatRestrictionException;
use wapmorgan\UnifiedPlaylist\UnifiedPlaylist;
UnifiedPlaylist::$blackList = array(UnifiedPlaylist::ASX);
if (UnifiedPlaylist::isPlaylist($tmpfile)) {
if (UnifiedPlaylist::isAllowed($tmpfile)) {
$playlist = UnifiedPlaylist::open($tmpfile);
/// ... import operations here
} else {
echo 'Sorry, but we don\'t support this format. Please, try another.'.PHP_EOL;
| Format | aimppl | asx | xpl | xspf | zpl | m3u | pls | upf |
| Reading | + | + | - | + | + | + | + | + |
| Writing | + | + | - | - | - | + | - | - |